Thursday, August 13, 2009

Redskins v. Ravens - Prix Season Weak Won

That title was spell checked by Ravens Coach John "Ham-head" Harbaugh. In celebration of there finally being some sweet, delicious, Redskins football on the TV, here are a collection of thoughts:

- Thank goodness we didn't draft Michael Oher, he has weak forehead skin.
- Are the refs on preseason too? Why are no penalties getting called? Are there referee drafts, and these are like the 3rd stringers trying to earn a ref roster spot?
- Laddell Betts's Jersey for some reason says "Bettis." How many levels of supervision did that pass through?
- Steph is glad that the Redskins uniforms are not the Ravens uniforms. I concur.
- That being said, we're making every observation Joe Theismann makes, but like 5 minutes before. We think this means that we are better than Joe Theismann at being football color men. Also, we are better than him at not having our careers ended by having our thigh bones broken in half by Lawrence Taylor. We've never even met Lawrence Taylor.
- The First Ladies of Football are much cuter than the Ravens Cheerleaders. Also, they don't have criminal records and they don't support murderers. That's right, Redskins Cheerleaders don't support murder. You heard it here first.
- Philip Daniels is a seriously, seriously large man
- Although not playing, Carlos Rogers has some amazing earings. They are Redskin gold. I want a pair. Don't you?
- New idea for Ravens Logo: Olde Tyme style picture of a bird wearing a pinstriped jail uniform. He's chained to a large boulder and he's banging on a smaller boulder with a hammer.
- Dear Fred Davis, we actually try to hold on to the ball at this level, son.
- When not jumping out of pools or into truck beds, Keith Eloi actually makes some impressive special teams tackles.
- It's a pretty typical Redskins game. Bend, but don't break defense, and an offense that can't keep up with the other team only scoring field goals.
- Normally, we get optimistic during preseason, then are disappointed. So far this year, we start out disappointed with preseason. It can only go up from here.
- We wanted to be pumped about this game. But preseason week's just not happening.

You heard part of it here first, but the other part you heard about elsewhere and then read here at a later time,

-Brandon + Walker


jules said...

Hee hee. Read my fav parts out loud to Nat and Chris while we watch the game. A chuckle was had by all. Miss ye.

Ben said...

Was anyone else surprised by the outcome of this game? Oh wait, I meant 'not surprised'